




前置きが長くなってしまったが、本題はここから。以前から私は自称トランス女による性犯罪について色々紹介してきた。先日も睾丸脱毛要請男のジョナサン・ヤニーブの話をしたばかりだが、昨日は連続女児強姦魔のマシュー(マデリン)・ハークス36歳(Madilyn Harks, 36, formerly known as Matthew )の話を読んだ。 この男もヤニーブと同じカナダの犯罪者で、10年以上も前から何人もの女児を強姦し受刑中にトランス女だと言い張り、なんと女子刑務所に移され、そこで女子受刑者二人にわいせつ行為を働いた。にもかかわらず社会復帰を許され監視付きの施設に移されたが、そこでもまた女児にわいせつ行為をはたらき、先日再逮捕された。今回も女子刑務所に送られるのかどうかは不明。








11 responses to トランスジェンダーなんて存在しない、女装してまで女子施設に入ろうとする男は皆変態だ!

苺畑カカシ5 years ago

Republican lawmakers want to make child drag shows illegal
Republican lawmakers in Ohio have filed a bill that would clamp down on drag performances by minors as “child exploitation.”

Ohio representative Tim Schaffer has proposed a bill in the state legislature seeking to clamp down on performances by “a child under eighteen years of age or a mentally or physically handicapped child under twenty-one years of age,” in a response to a performance by a nine-year-old drag queen.

Offenders could face up to six months in prison and a $1000 fine, while violations of the law could lead to venues being stripped of their liquor licenses.
Ohio Republicans want to outlaw child drag show

In a release, Schaffer confirmed the bill was a response to “a performance by a child in a local bar [that] concerned numerous citizens throughout Fairfield County.”

Nine-year-old performer Jacob Measley and his family have faced a tidal wave of threats and abuse after he performed as “Miss Mae Hem” as a drag event.

苺畑カカシ5 years ago


Second ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Reader in Houston Exposed as a Convicted Child Sex Offender(4-30-2019)
The Houston, Texas group known as the Houston MassResistance activists have exposed a second “drag queen” as a convicted child sex offender, who was involved in reading stories to children at a local library.

LifeSite News reports the man was convicted of multiple sexual assaults against four young children (ages 4, 5, 6, and 8) in 2004. He was incarcerated and is listed as a “high-risk sex offender.”

The man was part of a local drag queen group called the “Space City Sisters” who were invited by the Houston Public Library to read stories to little children during an event promoted as “Drag Queen Story Hour.” The convicted sex offender served as a greeter for the event, according to LifeSite News. The activists also uncovered that the man had worked as a transgender prostitute and a porn actor.

苺畑カカシ5 years ago

https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/oct/11/karen-white-how-manipulative-and-controlling-offender-attacked-again-transgender-prison (10/11/2018)

Transgender politics – like any politics – can be divisive. Yet in the case of Karen White, who is legally still a man but was put in a female-only prison, both sides of the transgender rights debate are united in the belief mistakes were made.

White entered the UK prison system as transgender. However, despite dressing as a woman, the 52-year-old had not undergone any surgery and was still legally a male. She was also a convicted paedophile and on remand for grievous bodily harm, burglary, multiple rapes and other sexual offences against women.

In September last year she was transferred to New Hall prison in West Yorkshire. During a three-month period at the female prison she sexually assaulted two other inmates.

The decision to move White to a women’s prison was made public after she admitted in court to the sexual assault and to multiple rapes committed before she was sent to prison.

Those who met White were shocked that she was moved to a female prison, describing the convicted sex offender as “manipulative and controlling”, and questioned her commitment to her transition. The Ministry of Justice has since apologised for the placement.

For now, White is being held at HM Prison Leeds, a category B men’s prison, and is undergoing gender reassignment surgery.
Transgender prisoner who sexually assaulted inmates jailed for life
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Jenny-Anne Bishop, from the transgender rights group Transforum, said a local transgender case board made up of prison managers and psychologists decides where to place prisoners such as White within three days of a prisoner being taken into custody.

The board allows the prisoner to make representations, and considers any risks and whether the individual has been living in the gender with which they identify.

If this board’s decision is challenged, a local review board reconsiders the evidence. Finally, a “complex case board” can be set up to handle cases involving those aged 21 and under and for those at risk of causing harm to themselves or others.

It is believed the decision to place White in a women’s prison was made only at the first level – by a local case board. Bishop says the board should have taken into account all offending history but failed to do so.

Bishop, who met White at a Transforum support group meeting in Manchester about five years ago, said: “When I met her she was at the beginning of her transition. But I felt that she was someone who didn’t listen to any advice.
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“She seemed like somebody who was very much going to plough her own furrow regardless of the community advice, and she was going to demand her rights. She insisted people referred to her in her acquired gender without trying terribly hard to present as a woman.

“She would report people for a hate crime if they stumbled over which name to use for her – it was not a way to get yourself absorbed into the community. She was a person who would not compromise.”

Bishop said that over the years she had met thousands of trans people but White stood out. “I did feel she was someone not to mess with. Other members of the community said she had a very short temper. I did get the impression that she needed to go on an anger management course,” she added.

Before entering the prison system White was living in a social housing complex in the village of Mytholmroyd, West Yorkshire. Previously known as David Thompson, within a fortnight of moving in she had asked to be known as Karen White.

Residents said over a three-year period she presided over a reign of terror, physically and verbally abusing others, with some residents having to move away. All wanted to remain anonymous, for fear of reprisals.

One of the residents said White was initially “charming” but over time she became “incredibly aggressive” and residents feared for their safety. She said White was controlling and threatened to report many for hate crimes.

“We did not have a problem with her being transgender. We already had another transgender woman living here and we all got on just fine,” the woman said. “She was always calling the police accusing us of hate crimes against her. And then she started getting violent – it was a terrifying time for all of us – we wish she had never been placed here.”

The final straw came when White repeatedly stabbed an elderly male resident in his own home, claiming the pensioner had sexually assaulted her. The man said: “She just went for me – it was completely out of the blue. I still feel scared in my own home.”

The man staggered into another resident’s flat, the police were called and White was finally removed.

Born in July 1966 as Stephen Terence Wood, the former Manchester drag artist was convicted in 2001 on two charges of indecent assault and gross indecency with a child of primary school age, and jailed for 18 months.

While in prison, she changed her name to David Thompson.

White’s arrest for that stabbing and a burglary in 2017 came just as the Ministry of Justice updated its policy “on the care and management of transgender prisoners” after the death of two trans prisoners in male prisons.

The new 60-page policy introduced in January 2017 emphasised the right of prisoners to “self-identify” and to be treated “according to the gender in which they identify”. Previously, prisoners requiring such treatment would have needed a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) or to have had a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

Citing article 8 of the European convention on human rights, the new policy allowed those who did not have the GRC and who identified as a different gender to their biological sex to be located “in the part of the estate consistent with the gender they identify with”.
Quick guide
What are the prison guidelines for transgender prisoners?

A government survey has counted 125 transgender prisoners in England and Wales, which is likely to be an underestimate. According to MoJ figures released in response to a freedom of information request by the BBC, 60 of them have been convicted of one or more sexual offences.

Frances Crook, the chief executive of the Howard League for Penal Reform, said grave mistakes were made in the White case and the safety of vulnerable women should be paramount.

Crook has previously said: “It is a very toxic debate, but I think prisons have probably been influenced by some of the extreme conversations and have been bullied into making some decisions that have harmed women.

“In my view, any man who has committed a serious sexual or violent offence against women, who then wants to transfer but has not gone through the whole process, still has a penis and still has male hormones, should not be put into a women’s prison. There may be a case for having separate provision; that is a debate to be had.”
Sexual assaults in women’s prison reignite debate over transgender inmates
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The government is currently carrying out a consultation about reforming the Gender Recognition Act. It has stated that “we are not necessarily proposing self-declaration of gender”, but some groups opposed to the changes fear a process of self-identification could give dangerous men posing as trans women access to vulnerable women, such as those in prisons.

Whatever the case with White, it is clear the prison service is under increasing pressure in this “rapidly developing area of policy”.

But Bishop argues that cases like White’s are still rare.

“The case boards are a good way of doing things – you can’t say the system is wrong when it goes wrong once. It is almost the exception that proves the rule – you’ve just got to look at what went wrong and make sure it doesn’t happen again. No system is perfect. It’s human nature that people will sometimes get it wrong.”

苺畑カカシ5 years ago

Half of all transgender prisoners are sex offenders or dangerous category A inmates

9th November 2017 by FPFW

This is the report we published in October 2017. Since that time the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) have confirmed by Freedom of Information requests that 60 of the 125 transgender prisoners known to be in prison in England and Wales are convicted sex offenders.

Some claim that the figure of 125 trans prisoners is too low, because the MoJ does not count prisoners on short sentences, people with a Gender Recognition certificate or people who do not declare they are trans. They say 60 sex offenders does not represent half of the trans population in prison, it’s a much smaller fraction.

However, based on official MoJ statistics we know that only 4% of male prisoners are on sentences of less than 6 months. Only 1% of the transgender population has legally transitioned with a GRC. Therefore the number of uncounted trans prisoners is only likely to represent an additional 5% increasing the total to 132. This has no meaningful impact on the overall conclusions.

If these 60 sex offenders all transferred into women’s prisons this would increase the total sex offender population by a further 50%, meaning that this would result in 1 in 3 sex offenders in the women’s prison having been born male. This is a problem that cannot be ignored.

Sex offending is overwhelming committed by males. There are 13,000 male sex offenders in prison compared to about 100 women. Almost 20% of male prisoners have committed sex offences. Our figures suggest that sex offending rates amongst trans prisoners is at least comparable to male rates.

If we were to believe that trans sex offending was more like the female figures (of 3%) then there would have to be an extra 1875 ‘hidden’ transgender prisoners. There is no evidence to suggest this is the case.

This shows that the MoJ must start to record transgender prisoner numbers more accurately. It is not good enough to say they do not know the total figures and it is not good enough to say they do not know how many male-bodied prisoners are ALREADY in women’s prisons.

The absolute numbers or percentages quoted by Fair Play for Women is not what matters here. We have flagged up a problem that must be addressed by more accurate reporting by the MoJ.

The prison service is not recording data on transgender prisoners systematically. The MoJ and the prison service did not supply information via Freedom of Information requests, as they stated that there is no ‘business or legal case’ for recording the data. Fair Play for Women strongly disagrees. This information is necessary to enable an accurate risk assessment of the impact of proposed reforms to the Gender Recognition Act 2004 on the women’s prison population. Fair Play for Women analysed the individual prison inspection reports for all the prisons in England and Wales and has produced this report.Fair Play For Women

苺畑カカシ5 years ago

Missouri, US – Harvard Kennedy School’s Student Publication LGBTQ Policy Journal and Vice Magazine are promoting the cause of Patricia Elane Trimble, a transgender-identified inmate serving life in prison following the rapes of two small children he carried off into the woods, and the routine raping, pimping out and beating of a vulnerable man he later murdered with the intent of elevating himself from the bottom of the prison’s pecking order.
Abduction and Rape of Children

The 1983 Missouri Court of Appeals case State v. Trimble, 654 S.W.2d 245 describes the disturbing details surrounding the man convicted as Patrick Edward Trimble on two counts of kidnapping, four counts of sodomy, one count of rape and one count of sexual abuse in the first degree for victimizing two nine-year-old girls.

Mr Trimble, then aged 20, came upon the girls playing outside. He gained their trust, fetching a rope from a tree that they wanted but couldn’t reach, and joining them in play. Later, he lured the children into his vehicle, and drove them to a marshy, wooded area. There, he had each child perform an indecent act on him before penetrating one girl with a finger and his genitals.

Mr Trimble was convicted and sentenced by jury to “seven terms of imprisonment for fifteen (15) years and one term of imprisonment for five (5) years.” He filed an appeal.
Physical and Sexual Torture and Murder of Vulnerable Male Cellmate

While in jail awaiting disposition, Mr Trimble “made a ‘punk’ or homosexual slave of his mentally retarded cellmate,” Judge Elizabeth Hogan stated in State v. Trimble, 654 S.W.2d 245. The cellmate, 20-year-old Jerry James Everett, had been awaiting trial on charges of stealing a van. The 6’1″, 210-lb Mr Trimble overpowered his 5’10”, 145-lb cellmate, subjecting the other man to routine physical and sexual abuse and humiliation.
Mr Trimble feared that he would be in great danger if sent to the state penitentiary for crimes against children. He told three inmates he planned to “catch something bigger” before transfer by killing a fellow inmate or a guard. He later informed other inmates that Mr Everett would be the perfect victim for his murderous machinations.

The scheming inmate forced Mr Everett to write a suicide note. Mr Everett was “mentally slow and may never have fully comprehended what was happening to him,” evidence showed. Fellow inmates testified that they witnessed Mr Trimble strangle his cellmate with a towel. When guards arrived, Mr Trimble was removing a towel from the victim’s neck, according to court testimony. He argued in his defense that the youth had committed suicide.

Mr Trimble was found guilty of capital murder on July 3, 1980, and was sentenced to die in the gas chamber. Following a series of denied appeals, the Missouri Court of Appeals commuted Mr Trimble’s death sentence on August 15, 1985 to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 50 years.
Epiphany and Transition After Rapist is Raped

Mr Trimble told Vice he was sexually attacked by a male inmate in 2015. Terrified by the experience, the prisoner, who then identified as a gay man, began writing letters to “every LGBTQ organization for which she could find an address, asking for help in advocating for herself.” One organization sent him a pamphlet entitled “Still We Rise,” and Mr Trimble learned for the first time the definition of gender dysphoria. Desperate to escape his sexual assailant, Mr Trimble claims the pamphlet inspired an epiphany that caused him to realize he is a woman, Vice sympathetically reported earlier this month.

According to Vice, the inmate put pressure on his prison psychiatrist to diagnose him with gender dysphoria, and was finally successful in 2016. In 2018, he was prescribed Estradiol and testosterone blockers to feminize his appearance. He now wears makeup daily, and changed his name to Patricia Elane Trimble on September 17, 2018.
Transgender Prison Activist is Born

Mr Trimble authored the article “Ignored LGBTQ Prisoners: Discrimination in Education, Rehabilitation, and Mental Health Services During Incarceration,” and it was featured in LGBTQ Policy Journal on May 22, 2019. In it, the vicious repeat rapist and murderer reports that he feels oppressed by the Missouri Department of Corrections (DOC) after being compelled to pay out of pocket a processing fee to have his birth certificate altered with his new legal name. He said the Missouri DOC initially agreed to pay, but then stalled in providing him with forms necessary for the name change and fee waiver. He denounced the experience as an example of systemic mistreatment of transgender inmates: “[T]hese are simple processes made complicated by a non-affirming agency that is unwilling to even offer guidance.”

The inmate published “Finding Purpose as an Elderly Trans Woman in Men’s Prison” on Medium in January 2019. “I stand in awe. (OK… and with tears in my eyes.),” Victoria Pendragon, an artist and author of books on DIY Emotional Cellular, fawned adoringly in the comment section. Todd Mccallister, an investment banker, inquired, “This sounds naive, but why isn’t Patricia in a woman’s prison? Wouldn’t most of these issues go away?” Mr Trimble’s Medium post had 1.8 thousand positive ratings at press time.

With “hundreds of photocopied pages of literature related to trans issues” by his bedside, Mr Trimble distributes the literature to teach other inmates housed in Missouri’s prison system the process to becoming understood as transgender, as well as which treatments to get and how to advocate for themselves. “You have a bunch of psychologists and therapists talking to us that really have no clue. So we kind of have to educate one another,” the 59-year-old told Vice. His work has led other inmates to arrive at the conclusion that they are transgender, including Jasmyne René Cooley, with whom he shared a cell. Mr Trimble has continued his written correspondence with LGBTQ organizations.

Mr Trimble’s author biography on Harvard Kennedy School’s Student Publication website describes him as “a transgender feminist, activist, and advocate for the incarcerated LGBTQ community” who “lobbies Missouri legislators and prison administrators for changes to both Missouri laws and prison policies to end mandatory minimum sentences and institute meaningful programs for the rehabilitation of LGBTQ offenders.”

苺畑カカシ5 years ago

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina

by Austin Ruse7 Mar 2016
The homosexual leader of efforts in North Carolina to allow men to use women’s bathrooms is a convicted and registered sex offender, according to documents made available to Breitbart News.
Chad Sevearance is president of the Charlotte Business Guild, which describes itself as “a network of LGBT professionals, business owners, employees and individuals in the Charlotte area who meet to nurture a network of business contacts; encourage fellowship and support among community business, professional and charitable pursuits; and provide and promote positive role models in the LGBT community.”
Sevearance and his group have taken a lead role in seeking the right to allow males to use the restrooms and showers of females, including those of little girls, which is described by advocates as nothing more than nondiscrimination measures. Sevearance was quoted in the Charlotte Observer saying that because a recent bathroom “nondiscrimination ordinance” bill did not pass, “someone can ask me to leave a restaurant because I’m presumed to be gay or transgender.”
In 1998, Sevearance worked as a youth minister and in that capacity allegedly lured younger men to his apartment to spend the night where Severance showed them pornography and tried to talk them into sex. One boy testified that he woke up to find Severance “fondling him.” Severance was convicted on one charge of sexual molestation of a minor.
As a result of his 2000 conviction, Sevearance must register with the police on a regular basis for a minimum of ten years. His most recent mug shot and registration took place at the end of last year.
A reporter with the Charlotte Observer confirmed for Breitbart News that the Chad Sevearance they frequently quote is the same man who was convicted for sexual assault of a minor in 2000.
Repeated calls to the Charlotte Business Guild went unanswered.
Both the webpage and the Facebook page of Severance’s group have been disabled.

苺畑カカシ5 years ago

Paedophile who had sex with young boys while knowing she had HIV is set to be FREED from prison – despite admitting she’d work as a prostitute if released and spread the virus
A paedophile who sexually assaulted young boys and girls despite knowing she had HIV will be released from prison in just weeks.

Rory Francis, 35, will be released in early September, after serving nine years and four months for the 2010 rape and sexual assault of boys and girls in New Zealand.

Francis was born a male but now identifies as a woman, and goes by the name Laken McKay.

She was diagnosed with HIV in 2005, and served time the same year for the indecent assault of young boys.

Francis wrote to the NZ Herald in April 2018, saying she didn’t want to be released back into society.

She asked to be kept ‘behind a fence’ for the rest of her life.

‘So I wrote a letter to the chief executive of Corrections … I said that I wanted to live in the compound in Christchurch … which means I’ll live there for the rest of my life – the community knows they are safe from me and I safe from them,’ she wrote.

‘I also stated that if I were to be released from custody I would start working again as a prostitute and give as many people HIV and Hep C, which in my eyes makes me an immediate threat to the community.’

In August last year, Francis was briefly released on parole and started living under her new name, but was recalled back to jail in October.
he was sent back to prison for breaching her parole by working as a prostitute and taking methamphetamine as payment.

Two separate Parole Board hearings in March and July this year denied her early release from prison as she is still seen as a risk to the community.

But once Francis’ official sentence ends in early September she will be released.

Francis will need to undergo a drug treatment program before she can leave prison, and after being freed will be electronically monitored.

The will be placed under a number of strict special provisions for the first six month of her release.

ichigobatakekakashi5 years ago

Prisoners’ convictions

We submitted Freedom of Information requests to the Ministry of Justice.

It said that 60 of the 125 transgender inmates it counted in England and Wales were serving time for a sexual offence.

This is roughly half – but it’s not the full picture.

Remember – those 125 transgender inmates only include people who have had a prison case conference. It won’t include transgender people who haven’t identified themselves to the prison service or who already have a gender recognition certificate.
Of the 60 serving time for sexual offences:
◾27 were convicted of rape (plus a further five of attempted rape)
◾13 were convicted of possessing, distributing or making indecent images of children
◾13 were convicted of sexual assault or attempted sexual assault
◾Nine were convicted of causing or inciting a child under 16 to engage in sexual activity
◾Seven were convicted of sexual activity with a child
◾Seven were convicted of indecent assault or gross indecency

Those numbers add up to more than 60 because some prisoners are serving time for more than one offence.
We don’t know the gender of the victims or perpetrators in these cases.

The Scottish Prison Service says the 17 trans prisoners it counted were serving time for a range of crimes, including some sexual offences. But it wouldn’t tell us precisely how many had been convicted of a sexual offence
We don’t know the gender of the victims or perpetrators in these cases.

The Scottish Prison Service says the 17 trans prisoners it counted were serving time for a range of crimes, including some sexual offences. But it wouldn’t tell us precisely how many had been convicted of a sexual offence


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