July 8, 2011

We Hold These Truths to Be Valid Conclusions...

Hatched by Dafydd

~ A government powerful and intrusive enough to arrest two men having gay sex at home is powerful and intrusive enough to arrest a husband and wife having oral sex at home.

~ A government that declares husband and husband the same as husband and wife necessarily declares that mothers contribute nothing unique to child rearing (and women contribute nothing unique to marriage).

~ A high government official who preaches that "it takes a village to raise a child" certainly believes that it doesn't take parents to raise a child.

~ A nanny state with authority to outlaw cocaine or opiates can just as easily outlaw Coca-Cola and cough syrup.

~ A government that taxes cigarettes to force you to quit smoking can also tax fast food to force you to lose weight.

~ A government strong enough to tell you how long you must cook food is strong enough to tell you what food you can cook in the first place.

~ A government with the power to ban trans-fat must also have the power to ban meat.

~ A government with the chutzpah to force children to eat school-prepared breakfast and lunch regardless of what his parents want necessarily has enough nerve to force children to eat school-prepared dinner too -- regardless of what his parents want.

~ An FDA that can ban silicone breast implants because it opposes "sexism" likewise has the power to ban hair dye because it opposes "blondism."

~ A government so powerful that it can confiscate "unexplained cash" if you fly on a government-regulated airliner is a government that can confiscate the same bankroll if you walk on the government-owned sidewalks.

~ If government can use its heavy hand to advantage today's minorities as reparations for yesterday's racism, then it can use its other hand to advantage tomorrow's majority as reparations for today's "affirmative action."

~ A government with the reach to transform losers into winners via the invisible hand of welfare, must also have the reach to transform winners into losers via the invisible foot of regulation.

~ A government with the authority to ban art for the subjective crime of being "obscene" must also have the authority to ban art for the subjective crime of being "in poor taste."

~ A government that has the power to ban speech it considers "hateful" likewise has the power to ban speech it considers "seditious."

Something for everyone; think about it.

Hatched by Dafydd on this day, July 8, 2011, at the time of 6:43 PM


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