この間ちょっと紹介したヨーロッパの若者たちによるDefend Europe(ヨーロッパを守れ)の行動だが、彼らの主張は「捜索と救助」という名目でヨーロッパのNGOがリビアの密輸業者とつるんで人身売買に加担しているというものだ。彼らは事前に打ち合わせ通り密輸業者の連れてくる移民を沖で拾ってイタリアもしくはトルコまで輸送している。
NGOが密輸業者たちと結託しているという記事をイギリスの突撃ジャーナリスト、ケイティ・ホピキンスも書いている。この記事”Katie Hopkins on NGOs colluding with traffickers in Sicily” は7月に一瞬イギリスのデイリーメイル誌に掲載されたが、反ポリコレ過ぎてすぐに取り下げられてしまった。元記事は消えてしまったので一部だけを次ページに残しておく。英語で読みたい読者は参照のこと。
これに怒っているのが現首相のPaolo Gentiloni 他のヨーロッパ諸国が公平な数の移民を受け入れていないと苦情を述べている。
救援にあたっているNGOの一つ、子供たちを救え船のVos Hestia号の代表者によると、船は湾岸警察からの直接の命令がなければ出航しないという。何時出航しどこで密輸業者の船と待ち合わせるのかという問に関する答えは、いかに湾岸警察とNGO船が協力しあっているかをはっきりさせるものだった。





この船はJugend Rettet によって操業されており、シシリーからちょっと先の小さな漁業村であるLampedusaの港で拿捕された。ここは何百何千という移民が海で救助され連れてこられた村である。

拿捕されたオランダ籍のthe Iuventa船は、去年の6月と9月に三回に渡って怪しげな行動をしていたことが今回の拿捕の理由となった。捜査によると移民たちは救助されたのではなく、NGOと密輸業者らの慈善の打ち合わせ道理、移民をエスコートしてきた密輸業者から海でドイツのNGOの船に乗り換えたというもの。その後移民たちはイタリア軍の船か、もしくは他のNGOの船に引き渡された。
Jugend Rettetというグループはドイツを基盤にしている若いボランティアの集まり。そのホームページでは「地中海において人々の命を救い人道的な状況を向上させることを目的とする。」としている。
グループの言い分は自分らはローマの救援センターからの依頼で捜索と救助の任務に出かけたに過ぎないと主張。グループの代表者は乗り組員が密輸業者から報酬を受けていたという証拠はないとし、密輸業者と親密な関係があるという証拠もないとしている。密輸業者とJugend Rettetが結託しているという疑いは「SFの世界だ(空想科学小説)」と語っている。
しかしイタリア当局はいくつかのNGOの「救助」が結果的に密輸業者への加担と化している事実について語っている。Jugend Rettetはイタリア内務省が最近設立した新しい規則への合意を拒否したNGOグループのひとつである。
2018年の選挙をひかえ、Paolo Gentiloni首相率いる与党は移民対策に厳しい姿勢を見せ始めている。多くのイタリア市民が難民申請手続きを待つ大量の移民の存在に不満を抱いているからだ。

Katie Hopkins on NGOs colluding with traffickers in Sicily
These economic migrants having been ferried to the island by charity rescue boats seemingly as responsive and as easy to hail as an Uber taxi after a big night out in Birmingham.
He wanted to stress that the organised trafficking of individuals had been given a stamp of approval by the former prime minister, Renzi, who agreed that the European border and coastguard agency, Frontex, could bring all migrants rescued in the Med to Italian ports.
Renzi’s decision-making has generally proven to be a disaster for the Italian economy. Debt is at 132% of GDP and unemployment remains high at 12%. Critics argue it is Italy alone that must now take accountability for the failures of its former leader.
Others are less than impressed that Europe is happy to make economic migrants an Italian problem.
The current prime minister Paolo Gentiloni is said to be ‘livid’ that other parts of Europe have refused to take a ‘fair share’ of migrants.
Katie sits on a wall daubed with anti migration graffiti spray painted in the city of Catania where migrants are delivered into the port after being collected from just off the Libyan coast
The efficiency is almost clinical. And the protection against prying eyes and the watching world is made perfectly clear. I asked how I might get access to the work of the Port Authority, or join the coastguard on their vessel. The officer told me I needed approval from Rome.
I asked him if the Pope was senior enough to make that decision and he laughed at the truth of the thing. The headquarters of the International Organisation for Migration is based there, as is the authority for interacting with the migrants.
The organisation estimates that 93,000 migrants have arrived in Italy from Libya so far this year. It is a number they can be certain of, given the level of co-ordination between the people traffickers, the rescue vessels and the Italian coastguard teams.
Save The Children’s Vos Hestia: A glorified migrant ferry to Europe?
I spoke with a press officer of Save the Children’s ship Vos Hestia, and she told me their ship does not move without direct authority from the coastguard. When I asked how they knew when to leave port, and where to rendezvous with the people traffickers, the level of authority of the Italian coastguard became clear:
Q: How does your crew know to leave this evening – who is co-ordinating the rendezvous with migrants at sea?
A: We work under the coordination of the Italian coastguard in international waters, moving closer to territorial waters only if instructed by the Italian coastguard.
Q: When does your crew plan to return?
A: We operate
To shock the world into taking notice, some members of the Italian government are beginning to talk tough.
Deputy Foreign Minister Mario Giro has threatened to release 200,000 migrants with Schengen documentation into Europe, a decision described by Mattia Toaldo, a senior analyst at the European Council on Foreign Relations, as the nuclear option.
And in its frustration, the Italian government has threatened to close its port to all non-Italian vessels.
As loud as these things have been shouted, Gefira says they are empty threats: 200,000 migrants are not grouped at the border waiting to surge into neighbouring states, which would anyway stand up their army in response; Austria has already sent 750 troops and armoured vehicles to defend its border with Italy. And, quite simply, the port is not going to close.
Quite the opposite, in fact. It turns out that when you zoom in from the long-range view on this tiny island and come face to face with the facts on the ground, the pictures of huge ships so crammed with migrants that they spill out from every deck and stairway appear monumentally different. Staggeringly so. There is no chaos or confusion.
Instead there are German levels of calm and co-ordination. There is no sign of the marauding migrants I encountered scrambling for the fence under tear gas fire at Calais.
And no forgotten dumping suburbs like those I found in Sweden, where women fear to venture out alone.
I visited the Port Authority and spoke unofficially with a senior officer at Port Augusta.
In his sparkling whites, he made it very clear the process for the transfer of migrants is protected, co-ordinated and impeccably controlled.
All ship shape, clean and tidy. The coastguard decides which port the migrants will be shipped to, the receiving bays are readied – such as these Red Cross ones in Catania – and transfers are arranged to designated migrant zones.
Katie Hopkins investigated people trafficking in Sicily. There, she found that migrants are processed with stunning efficiency. Stations like this port in Catania port, pictured, where migrants are delivered by the NGO ships are deserted as new arrivals are quickly processed and taken to other parts of Italy and into Europe

2 responses to アフリカからの違法移民密輸に加担するNGOに対抗するイタリア

アンデルセン7 years ago

( ;∀;)

苺畑カカシ7 years ago

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