English readers: scroll down for an English-language translation of this post
この教授の名前はロバート·レデカー(Robert Redeker)。彼の書いた記事の英語訳はle eXtreme-centreで読むことが出来る。(以下一部抜粋)

パリの浜辺でTバックのビキニを禁止することをどう説明するのか? その理由は「平穏を脅かす」危険という摩訶不思議なものである。欲求不満の若者が美女の姿に侮辱を受け暴力に走るという意味だろうか。それとも当局はイスラム教道徳警察のデモにおびえているせいだろうか?
しかし公共の道路でベールをかぶらせるということのほうが、よっぽども公共の平穏を脅かすことにある。なぜなら女性への弾圧だという苦情を招くからだ。このTバック禁止はフランスのイスラム過敏症の現れである。イスラム横暴への降参と服従ともいえるのだ。 少なくとも精神的なイスラム教徒の圧力 の結果である。ジョンポール2世広場の建設に抗議した人々もモスクの建設には反対できない。イスラムはヨーロッパを彼等の理想に服従させようとしているのである。

記事の載ったLe Figaroの編集長Pierre Rousselin氏はアルジェジーラ紙で謝罪を発表した。エジプトを含む数カ国のイスラム諸国Le Figaroの販売禁止が起きたからである。Rousselin氏は、記事を掲載したの紙の誤りであった。内容は当新聞の意見ではないと平身低頭の謝罪ぶりだ。
数日前に拘留中のモロッコ人の囚人が不審な死を遂げたことで、囚人が毒を盛られたという噂がたち、ラマダンで腹をすかせて欲求不満のイスラム教徒らがブルッセルの町中にくり出して壊す燃やす騒ぐの暴動をすでに三日も続けている。付近の商店街は火炎瓶を投げられるなどして大被害を受けている。Gate of Vienaより
下記は前出のGate of Vienaに寄せられた豪州のある女性からのメールだ。オーストラリアもアメリカと同じように移民で出来た国である。最初はアイルランドの受刑者の島流しの行く先となっていたが、後にはヨーロッパからの冒険家などによってどんどん人口は増えていった。1960年代から1970年代はベトナムからの難民がとっと押し寄せたが、彼等は働き者で地元の文化を尊敬し自然と国に溶け込んだ。1970年代後半から80年代に訪れたレバノンからのキリスト教徒らも、短期間のうちにオージーへと変身した。


テロリストと戦うことによって社会がより危険になるなどという人々にお聞きしたい。欧州政府はことあるごとにイスラム過激派の要求に服従してきたではないか? 彼等に迎合し自らの伝統や文化を彼等にあわせてきたではないか? その結果、欧州は安全になったのか? 欧州は平穏なのか?


The following is the English translation of this post. I have changed the wording slightly; it’s my article, and I can do what I want!
I have just written about a German opera theater which submitted to the threat from local Muslims and decided not to continue a production of one of Mozart’s operas. Over the last few years, Muslim intimidation against Europeans has been growing more extreme.

News from France

We just witnessed a horrific incident: a Muslim man, enraged by an academic speech given by the pope, shot to death a Catholic nun and her bodyguard in Somalia. A French professor of philosophy, Robert Redeker, wrote about the incident, arguing that the violent behavior of Muslims is rooted deep in the Koran itself… and now more Muslim extremists have threatened his life, driving him into hiding.
You can read the English translation of Redeker’s article in eXtrem-cetre. Following is an excerpt:

What should the free world do while facing Islamist intimidation?

The reactions caused by Benedict XVI’s analysis of Islam and violence highlight the underhanded maneuver carried out by Islam to stifle what the West values more than anything, and which does not exist in any Moslem country: freedom of thought and expression.
Islam tries to impose its rules on Europe : opening of public swimming pools at certain hours reserved exclusively for women, ban on caricaturing this religion, demands for special diets for Muslim children in school cafeterias, struggle to impose the veil at school, accusations of Islamophobia against free spirits.
How can one explain the ban on the wearing [of] thongs on Paris-Beaches this summer? The reasoning put forth was bizarre: women [wearing] thongs would risk “disturbing the peace”. Did this mean that bands of frustrated youths would become violent while being offended by displays of beauty? Or were the authorities scared of Islamist demonstrations by virtue squads near Paris-Beaches?
However, the authorization of the veil on the street is more disturbing to public peace than wearing a thong, because it invites complaints against the upholding the oppression of women. This ban represents an Islamization of sensibilities in France, a more or less conscious submission to the diktats of Islam. At the very least it is the result of the insidious Muslim pressure on the minds: even those who protested the introduction of a “Jean Paul II Square” in Paris would not be opposed to the construction of mosques. Islam is trying to force Europe to yield to its vision of humanity.

Unfortunately, Professor Redeker who alerted us of Muslim extremism did not realize just how extreme they can be (he should have read his own paper).
After Professor Redeker wrote an article critical of Muslim, his face, address, phone number, a map to his house, and his work place were published on the internet with a message calling on the faithful to cut off his head. He is now under 24 hour police protection, staying with unnamed friends a few days at a time. He has written that he has become homeless in a supposedly free country.
Pierre Rousselin, editor of Le Figaro, the newspaper that published Prof. Redeker’s article, apologized in the Arab-Muslim newspaper Al-Jazeera. Why? Because several Muslim countries, including Egypt, banned that issue of Le Figaro. M. Rousselin stated that it was wrong for his newspaper to publish such an article. Prof. Redeker’s opinion does not reflect the newspaper’s view. Rousselin’s apology is filled with humility — that is, cowardice.
The high school that employed Redeker, and the school district, are not supporting him for fear of Muslim retaliation. The professor cannot even go to school, and he has had to cancel all his lectures.

Riot in Belgium

A few days ago, a Moroccan prisoner died mysteriously in a Belgian prison. Somebody spread the rumor that he was poisoned. That set off hungry Muslims who had been observing Ramadan. They went outside the city of Brussels and set fire to a number of stores; the riot has been going on for the last three days.
According to Gates of Viena, except for the newswire service Reuters — which reported it once — the American news media has kept mum about this ongoing violent protest. When it comes to Muslims committing crimes, the American news media finds virtue in silence.
According to the Brussels Journal, the police released those rioters who had initially been apprehended. Belgian authorities therefore demonstrated that they will roll over for threats: all you have to do is to scream, and they will yield. What cowards!

Thunder down under

Finally we come to Australia, a country which was founded by Irish prisoners involuntarily transported to the island-continent against their will, and their families and friends who followed as immigrants. The Aussies’ reaction to the problem of Muslim extremism is completely opposite that of Europe.
This e-mail was introduced in the above-linked Gates of Viena:

As the Lebanese civil war continued into the 1980s a new wave of immigrants arrived. Families, clans, almost entire villages from the notorious Bekkhar Valley [in Lebanon], a muslim stronghold with close palestinian and syrian links barely 50km from the Israel border. More than 100,000 migrated to Sydney alone, to unsuspecting multicultural arms. This new population proceeded to occupy a series of suburbs with an aggression and speed I still find breathtaking. In the south-western suburbs of Bankstown, Punchbowl, Lakemba, Lidcombe, among others, a home in a suburban street was bought, then another & another. These suburbs were originally settled by returning Australian soldiers and their families post-WW2, and in the 1980s were largely occupied by older retired people either singly or as elderly couples.

As one home after the other was acquired, it happened that a suggestion would be made: you might like to sell to my brother, my cousin, my uncle, because life might not be so pleasant as it has been. Pets were killed. Rubbish was tipped onto doorsteps of elderly widows. Vandalism was done to houses. And the old people sold their homes to these people for undervalued prices to escape the threat…
There are now, I believe, 300,000 muslims in Australia in a population approaching 20 million. As I understand it, 200,000 in Sydney, the bulk of the rest in Melbourne and Perth. If you subtract the Indonesian and Malay muslims, who are nice people in my experience and come to Australia mainly for education, the ugly face of Islam in my country is Arab Islam….
There are comparatively few of them here, yet there’s still such insistence that we defer to their cranky sensitivities. Happily, hardly anyone in Australia is listening. Patience with the MC/PC [multicultural/politically correct] creed broke down completely after the Tampa hijack in 2001 when hundreds of illegals rescued from a sinking boat by the Norwegian ship committed piracy on the high seas in order to force the captain to land them on Australian territory.
Australia sent SAS troops to repel the landing, John Howard won a landslide election, changed the migration laws and illegal arrivals of muslims have ceased. Nobody bothers now because they know they will be sent to a denuded, bankrupt Pacific Christian island to endure years of legal proceedings. Might as well stay in a nice islamic country such as indonesia or malaysia, eat good food and pray at the local mosque.
Years after the decision by our Prime Minister to refuse entry to uninvited aliens, the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden have all reversed course. I believe Australia woke up in time. Not sure about Europe, though, less so the UK.

The solution

I would like to ask a question of those of you who argue that, by fighting against terrorists, we make the world more dangerous: what happened to Europe, which has accommodated every crazy, unreasonable demand from these extreme Muslims? Did it make Europe safe? Is Europe peaceful?

  • The riots last year in France by Muslim sons of Algerian immigrants continued for weeks; hundreds of cars were torched every single day. Now, after the riots have “ended,” such burnings have dropped to their normal level… of about a hundred cars each day.
  • Also in France, a professor whose only crime was writing an article critical of Islam has lost, if not his life, his ability to live. (This is nothing new… does anybody still remember Salman Rushdie after publishing the Satanic Verses in 1988? He is still in hiding today, eighteen years later.)
  • In Denmark, a newspaper was bombed because of a silly Mohammed cartoon. (Iran then retaliated by holding a “Holocaust cartoon” competition, evidently on the theory that Christians in Denmark were driven to draw cartoons of Mohammed by the Jews of Copenhagen — all eight or nine of them.)
  • In Holland, a movie director who made a movie about the Muslim abuse of women was assassinated in Amsterdam, shot to death in broad daylight at the corner of Linnaeusstraat and Tweede Oosterparkstraat.

These are all countries which refused to participate in the Iraq war. It made no difference to the extreme Muslims, who killed, bombed, and burnt anyway.
But countries such as the United States and Australia, who deal head on with Muslim extremists, do not face the same problem. During Clinton era, when the United States did nothing to defend itself — and even went to war against Christians on behalf of Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo — the US was attacked by Muslim extremists every single year. Since President George Bush started to fight back, American targets have not been attacked.
Compromise, appeasement, or even obedience and “dhimmitude” will not stop extremism. Standing up to the Islamists and fighting them when necessary is the only way.
If they lose, their morale will suffer, and they will withdraw. In any event, dead extremists cannot become any more extreme.

5 responses to イスラム過激派におびえるヨーロッパ

asean18 years ago

MSS-BBS イラク復興と国際社会より

アラメイン伯18 years ago


snoozy18 years ago


Sachi18 years ago




Sachi18 years ago



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