September 29, 2009

The Key to the Mystery of Democratic Perversion

Hatched by Dafydd

I quote now from an interview given by Roman Polanski to the novelist Martin Amis (son of Kingsley) in 1979, the year after Polanski fled the United States and went on the lam to avoid serving the additional 48 days in jail that the judge threatened (bringing his total up to 90 days) -- for orally, vaginally, and anally raping a thirteen year old girl (hat tip to Patterico).

You will note I have asterisked out a particular word; but it's obvious what is found in the original interview:

If I had killed somebody, it wouldn’t have had so much appeal to the press, you see? But… f***ing, you see, and the young girls. Judges want to f*** young girls. Juries want to f*** young girls. Everyone wants to f*** young girls!

For the record, when Polanski ejaculates "Everyone wants to f*** young girls!", what he means is, "Everyone wants to drug a thirteen year old girl and force her first to engage in fellatio, then intercourse, then anal intercourse, all against her will and out of sheer terror."

This illustrates one of the most important points to understand about liberals: They project their own evil and perversion on the rest of us, so that they will not feel uniquely vile and disgusting:

  • Liberals tend to be extraordinarily racist; they believe racial minorities are incapable of succeeding without special government help, and they insist that all racial minorities follow the rules set for their race by white liberals. They realize what they really feel about blacks, Hispanics, and other "funny colored people," but they don't want to think they're uniquely racist.

    So they accused everyone else of being racist too.

  • They're just as sexist as they are racist; women are just PLTs who need help from Big Daddy government to achieve even a modest level of success. But they feel creepy harboring such thoughts -- and enabling such sexual predators as Teddy Kennedy, Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT, 100%), and their "waitress sandwich" sexual assaults -- and don't want to think they're uniquely misogynist.

    So they accuse everyone else of being sexist too.

  • Liberals, who have a deep-rooted sense of entitlement and no compunction against enjoying the privileges of power, tend to engage in the most brazen and extraordinary acts of corruption; most recently, witness the Countrywide plc sweetheart mortgage scandal for "Friends of Angelo". But with all the vicious rhetoric they spew against unbridled greed and the moral immunity bought by power, they don't want to think that they themselves are the real exemplars of such corruption.

    So they call everyone else corrupt as well.

This is the standard liberal pattern: They project their own sins on the rest of us to "spread the guilt around," to paraphrase the Guiltmonger in Chief. So when Polanski says "Everyone wants to f*** young girls," we should conclude that he understands, in some dark depth of his soul (such as it is), that his tastes are not merely perverted but horribly so. Yet because he doesn't want to believe that his amorality is uniquely eldritch, he accuses everyone else of likewise being a child rapist at heart -- "See? It's not just me!"

(One of the segments of the 1993 movie Shortcuts, directed by the depraved Robert Altman, has an eerily similar theme of expiation by super-projection.)

This is the liberal way. And now we have Barack H. Obama as president -- a man who swam in exactly such currents of hatred, false witness, slander, and anti-Americanism his entire adult life, in the bear pits of Chicago's progressive "salons" -- and its Trinity United Church of Christ. Who will Obama accuse of his own projected sins, just to assuage his own gnawing sense of secret guilt?

God help the United States of America.

Cross-posted to Hot Air's rogues' gallery...

Hatched by Dafydd on this day, September 29, 2009, at the time of 9:38 PM

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» The Key to the Mystery of Democratic Perversion from The Greenroom
I quote now from an interview given by Roman Polanski to the novelist Martin Amis (son of Kingsley) in 1979, the year after Polanski fled the United States and went on the lam to avoid serving the additional 48 days in jail that the judge threatened (b... [Read More]

Tracked on September 29, 2009 9:16 PM


The following hissed in response by: Geoman

Not only are we racists, sexists, and corrupt, but we deny those feeling, and refuse to help others less fortunate.

We are liars as well.

The above hissed in response by: Geoman [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 30, 2009 9:50 AM

The following hissed in response by: BigLeeH

I think you are being too hard on Polanski. He has part of a point. I think most men, if they are totally honest, have to admit that the natural male impulses do not always respect the "age of consent" and underage girls are often sexier than any dispassionately rational person would want them to be. For most men, empathy is a sufficient brake on our actions -- the realization that we might harm the young lady takes most of the fun out of the prospect -- but for other men there need to be laws.

It is precisely because we understand an impulse that we think to pass a law against acting on it. We generally don't pass laws against things we can't imagine anybody actually wanting to do. There's a bit of a paradox there, actually. How do you convict someone of deliberately doing something that nobody would ever deliberately do?

But Polanski is on shakier ground on killing. I think most of us can empathize with killers, too. Our inner beasts are beastly, after all. I expect, for instance, that I speak for many men who have daughters in confessing that, at some primal level of which I am not altogether proud, I would enjoy feeling the crunch that Polanski's larynx made as it was crushed beneath my thumbs.

The above hissed in response by: BigLeeH [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 1, 2009 1:59 PM

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