July 27, 2008

Obama's Fauxtonement

Hatched by Dafydd

Barack H. Obama visted Israel a few days ago; on Thursday, he went to the Western or Wailing Wall -- the last surviving wall of the Second Temple, destroyed by the Romans under Titus Caesar in A.D. 70 -- and placed a "prayer" in one of its cracks. Almost immediately, "a student at a Jewish seminary" purportedly removed the note and gave it to at least two Israeli newspapers, one of which (Maariv) published its contents.

Many visitors place such prayers in chinks of the wall, prayers of mourning for the loss of the Second Temple and confession of and atonement for their sins. The remains of the Second Temple is a site holy both to Jews, for obvious reasons, and for Christians, because that is where Jesus drove out the moneychangers and restored the temple to a house of prayer, not a den of thieves.

But what is rare, I suspect, is for visitors to fill a crack in that wall with a putative prayer that is as cynical, as manipulative, and as obviously intended for public consumption as Obama's was.

Having read the so-called prayer, I am completely convinced that Obama fully intended for it to be "intercepted" and published... and may even have arranged for it. The "prayer" is impersonal and vague, yet contains the perfect code phrase designed to help Obama with evangelicals; I do not entertain the slightest doubt that he wanted it to be published -- and published in a way that makes him out to be the "victim" of a spiteful invasion of his privacy. (In fact, Maariv says that the Obama campaign itself released the prayer to the media before the supposed theft.)

I'm agnostic, and it still infuriates me.

Here is the text as published in Maariv:

Lord -- Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will.

Let's break it down...

The "theft" of the prayer

It's odd that we know so little about the "student at a Jewish seminary" who supposedly filtched the paper and handed it over to Maariv. I cannot even find out his name, let alone why he did what he did. I have looked at recent stories in Haaretz, the J-Post, CNN, and several other media sources; nobody has a single word about the so-called "seminary student" prayernapper.

So if nobody knows anything, how do they know he is a seminary student? How do they know he is not, say, a political operative?

Second, Maariv has an amazing defense against the charge of trafficking in stolen prayers; according to Haaretz:

Ma'ariv issued a response Sunday, saying that "Obama's note was published in Ma'ariv and other international publications following Obama's authorization to make the content of the note public. Obama submitted a copy of the note to media outlets when he left his hotel in Jerusalem [That would be before he placed the note in the wall]. Moreover, since Obama is not Jewish, there is no violation of privacy as there would be for a Jewish person who places a note in the Western Wall."

The second claim is simply a bigoted quirk of Israeli law as it relates to religious privacy (which, if it really is a defense, is abominable). But the first claim is substantive: If true -- and the Obama camp has not, so far at least, denied it -- then this was unquestionably a "prayer" intended for public consumption, hence political profit, because he released it himself. If this is true, it was not a heartfelt "private communication between [Obama] and God," as Obama told reporters.

I saw video of Obama placing his prayer; he appeared to take an extraordinarily long time to find a crack where he could put it... it took him at least three tries. But even so, there were several other prayer slips nearby; so the "seminary student" must have been standing very close and watching the operation like a hawk to make sure he got the right slip. (That is, unless he, too, was given a copy of the note, as Maariv claims "media outlets" were, and it was that copy that he submitted to the newspaper.) I admit skepticism that the Secret Service would allow a man who looked in any way hostile to stand to close behind the presumptive Democratic nominee -- in a region known for senseless political violence. They must have been very comfortable with the presence of that "seminary student."

Come to that, the Obama campaign -- now widely seen as a "victim" of some rights-violating (presumably right-wing) Israeli Jew -- is being unbearably coy about the note itself; according to CNN:

Obama's senior strategist Robert Gibbs told CNN, "We haven't confirmed nor denied" [sic] that the note is from the Illinois senator....

CNN's Sasha Johnson, who was a part of a pool of journalists who accompanied Obama to the wall, said when reporters asked Obama what he wrote, he declined to share the contents of his prayer.

Obama told the reporters it was a private conversation between him and God, Johnson said.

There's that phrase again: private conversation between Obama and God. So this is a good time to take a closer look at that "private conversation."

Text, context, and subtext

As a reminder, here is Obama's private conversation with God, which he may or may not have shared with the media before poking it into the Western Wall, depending on whether one believes Maariv or not:

Lord -- Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will.

Well! I can certainly see why he would be anxious to protect the privacy of such a personal, sensitive, individual communication. One certainly wouldn't want something like that to leak out!

He asks God to "protect" his family and himself from unspecified harm; he asks forgiveness for sins he does not enumerate (does he even believe it's possible for a higher being like himself to commit sin?); he asks help to guard against pride and despair -- again, no specific examples offered, and he is evidently unafraid of falling into sloth, gluttony, avarice, and whatnot; then he asks for wisdom without mentioning any prior instance of folly. Finally, he uses a phrase guaranteed to turn a few Democratic evangelicals to his side: "Make me an instrument of your will."

Anent that last, can you imagine the furor and hoopla that would have erupted following the revelation of those words -- had they come from John S. McCain or George W. Bush? I suspect that in such a case, a Google search on "Bush theocracy hypocrite" would have produced 750,000 hits... instead of the mere 71,000 hits it produces today. ("Obama theocracy hypocrite" generates 65,200, and "McCain theocracy hypocrite" generates 62,800, so that's probably the base level for virtually any well-known politician.)

I expect to take a lot of heat for this post, delving as I am into the private (?) religiosity of Obama... but frankly, this seems exactly the prayer I would expect from a non-believer trying to ape Christianity for the consumption of the masses, all the while rolling his eyes at the hoops he must jump through in order to take his rightful place as Supreme Leader of the Western World (of which he is a citizen). It's Bill Clinton's Bible in miniature.

Forgive me my (unspecified) sins, but I cannot imagine anybody thinking this sort of prayer should constitute a "private conversation" with God. It reads for all the world like wearing one's irreligion on one's sleeve, hoping to befuddle the religious masses, who one imagines to be illiterate and easily bamboozled boobies.

Answerless inquiries

Is Barack Obama religious? I don't believe he is. The church he frequented for two decades -- until it became politically non-viable (like Howard Dean, who quit his church over a bike path) -- preaches black liberation theology, which is to Christianity what Wahabbism is to Islam: an extremist cult that preaches hatred and separation, rather than love and assimilation. Since Obama does not preach hatred and separation and denies believing any such nonsense, I can only conclude that his presence at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago was purely for political theater... else he would have quit and joined one of the many other, more mainstream Christian denominations in that city.

I conclude that, while he may be a believer, he sure "doesn't work very hard at it," as the character Henry Drummond puts it in the 1955 Jerome Lawrence - Robert E. Lee play Inherit the Wind. And when a man who doesn't work very hard (or take very seriously) his supposed religion wants to be seen as a religious and righteous man, as in a presidential campaign, he often turns to exaggerated playacting of the trappings of religion, rather than faith itself. He carries around a gigantic Bible in a wheelbarrow, or he makes an elaborate ritual of writing a vacuous "prayer" on a piece of paper and invites two dozen journalists to come see him place it in the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.

And in the latter case, of course he wants the public to read his nondenominational call for continued guidance by the higher power he wants us to think he believes in... else what is the point? He could just stick a blank piece of paper in the crack, and nobody would be the wiser (well, no human, at least).

I've frequently been accused of being the most cynical and suspicious fellow in the building, when it comes to the motives and intentions of professional politicians; I quote my hero, Bill Clinton: "I plead guilty to that." But for God's sake, somebody has to at least raise the possibility that this entire incident -- which fits so perfectly into Barack H. Obama's political campaign -- is just a cynical ploy to gain sympathy and make a play for the "Jeebus Crispy" vote.

However, let me initiate a preemptive apology process: I hereby announce that I am very sorry if anybody is offended by anything I say. My enemies accuse me of caring too much, and I admit the charge. I apologize for all the bigoted actions and statements of my remote ancestors. And I want everybody to kneel down right here and now and join me in prayer... that the hate-filled hearts of those who disagree with me may be softened and filled with love, as mine is.

So having fulfilled my obligations in advance, I leave you with this final conundrum. Numerous newspapers and other media outlets reported that Maariv claims that "Obama submitted a copy of the note to media outlets when he left his hotel in Jerusalem," before visiting the wall. This is either true or false:

  • If it's false, why didn't the reporting media who had reporters present with Obama in Israel say something like, "however, our reporter did not receive any copy of this prayer?" That would certainly have put the onus back on Maariv to prove their statement.
  • Contrariwise, if it's true, then shouldn't the reporting media point that out in the story, thus putting the lie to the Obama campaign's claim that this was a terrible violation of the privacy of his divine conversations?

Yet instead of providing the evidence they clearly had, evidence that would either have supported Obama or Maariv, every last media source chose to stand silent.


Hatched by Dafydd on this day, July 27, 2008, at the time of 2:39 PM

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» Fauxtonement: "Prayergate" Takes a Weird, New Turn from Big Lizards
The bizarre "scandal" of Barack H. Obama's "stolen prayer" took a strange twist today, as the Jerusalem Post reported that the "Yeshiva student" (still no sign that there is any independent verification of his status) tearfully apologized on Israel's C... [Read More]

Tracked on July 28, 2008 1:09 PM


The following hissed in response by: BarbaraS

Yet instead of providing the evidence they clearly had, evidence that would either have supported Obama or Maariv, every last media source chose to stand silent.

They are all in the tank for Obama. They will not print or say anything detrimental to his campaign.

Obama is a lefty communist. Of course he doesn't believe in religion. He stayed at that church for twenty years because he felt at home listening to the American and whitey bashing because that is what he grew up hearing from his grandparents and his mother when she was around. He stayed because of political gain just like he left for political gain. There is nothing and no one this man will not jettison to win the presidency. There is no trick or lie he will not use either.

Dafydd, I probably top you in the cynicism department. I take nothing and no one at face value. I have been stung too many times to do so. Also, I believe everybody has an angle or a goal. With some it is hard to figure out but with a politician this angle or goal is up front and center. Obama doesn't even try to hide it. He expects the public to be too stupid to catch on. I hope he is wrong but I have my doubts. I find it hard to believe that the electorate will vote a man named Barack Hussein Obama as president. A guy who has muslim roots. A guy who has communist roots. And a guy who has actually said he would raise taxes, gas prices should be high and he would take things away from them. How stupid is that?

The above hissed in response by: BarbaraS [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 27, 2008 4:24 PM

The following hissed in response by: eliXelx

"All things are known, and yet free will is given"
Rabbi Akiva

Consider the irony; if Obama has to make unpopular decisions as President (heaven forfend he is given that chance!) he can always say that it's God's fault, since he, Obama, is just an instrument of God's will.

And if we all scream that that makes him a clone of George W, he will say that nobody objected at the time and still voted for him!

Obama is an eel, which is why all this is fishy!

The above hissed in response by: eliXelx [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 28, 2008 1:38 AM

The following hissed in response by: Navyvet

I don't see a problem with the "general" nature of Obama's prayer; the Lord's Prayer asks God to "...forgive us our trespasses..." without enumerating those offenses. Besides, an omniscient God is fully aware of a supplicant's sins.

However, by revealing this "personal communication" to the press, in advance, Obama exposes the scene at the "Wailing Wall" for what it is: another cheap publicity ploy.

You've got to hand it to him...he knows how to manipulate a willing press.

The above hissed in response by: Navyvet [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 28, 2008 5:25 AM

The following hissed in response by: Karmi

From the beginning, it looked like a photo op to me...pre-dawn visit with photographers and proper lighting present, etc. That's not a "private conversation between Obama and God", it's a photo op that got a bonus when MSM cried 'foul' that it got published!

The above hissed in response by: Karmi [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 28, 2008 9:07 AM

The following hissed in response by: bethtopaz

The incomplete story of this so-called “lifted and leaked” prayer is playing towards peoples’ sympathies for Obama.

I’ve been all over the blogosphere this morning and comments are lopsided in defense of Obama’s privacy and outrage at what he has “suffered” at the hands of some of the Jewish people.

He is using the Palestinian’s favorite PR ploy: Pity for the poor victim of the Jews’ indiscretion.

It’s absolutely unforgivable of Obama and his campaign and I don’t think we should let this get brushed under the carpet.

It’s apparent that Obama and his campaign did disperse his prayer to media outlets in Israel. I have no idea who the Jewish student is or what place he has in this scenario, but Obama clearly wants the world to see his prayer.

Go to this link to Israel Insider. Halfway down the article you’ll find the new Obama campaign ad, complete with photos of Obama in church, Obama at the wailing wall, the text of his prayer flashing on the screen and beautifully accompanied by “Amazing Grace.” There’s also a request for a donation at the end - “Help Elect Obama!”


The above hissed in response by: bethtopaz [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 29, 2008 3:14 PM

The following hissed in response by: coastx

Obama’s decoded prayer at the prayer wall is The Sanhedrin Mystery Force oath. Translated, the prayer reads:

I bind myself not to betray my brothers.
I bind myself to follow principles and decrees.
I bind myself to work for an increase in it’s members.
I bind myself to attack whoever follows the teachings of Jesus.
I bind myself to secrecy.

The Freemasons are the anti Christ, and their philosophy is embedded in Sanhedrin denial of Jesus.

The prayer was left to confirm Obama’s commitment to the Freemasons and their determination to prevail in Judaism throughout the world. Much of their religious maneuvering relies on Joseph Smith’s cult following of Mormons, and this faith will be transform as Judaism when and if the Freemasons/Sanhedrin actually achieve their goal of of world domination.

The rabbi who condemned this prayer was correct.

The above hissed in response by: coastx [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 7, 2009 12:25 AM

The following hissed in response by: coastx

Obama’s decoded prayer at the prayer wall is The Sanhedrin Mystery Force oath. Translated, the prayer reads:

I bind myself not to betray my brothers.
I bind myself to follow principles and decrees.
I bind myself to work for an increase in it’s members.
I bind myself to attack whoever follows the teachings of Jesus.
I bind myself to secrecy.

The Freemasons are the anti Christ, and their philosophy is embedded in Sanhedrin denial of Jesus.

The prayer was left to confirm Obama’s commitment to the Freemasons and their determination to prevail in Judaism throughout the world. Much of their religious maneuvering relies on Joseph Smith’s cult following of Mormons, and this faith will be transform as Judaism when and if the Freemasons/Sanhedrin actually achieve their goal of of world domination.

The rabbi who condemned this prayer was correct.

The above hissed in response by: coastx [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 7, 2009 12:25 AM

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