July 31, 2007

A Time to Win - and a Time to be Crushed Like Jimmah Cattah

Hatched by Dafydd

Heh. Well, at least we got one vote. Though it was a second-place afterthought...

Worse, through a mixup in our comprehension of the rules, we didn't even get to nominate a Nouncil post. I thought, since I couldn't nominate a Sachi post as the Big Lizards contribution, that meant I could pick her for our non-Council ("Nouncil") nominee. No dice! Instead, the Watcher just picked yet another nomination (I think he gets to make about 48 nominations in the Nouncil category) -- which got more votes than my feeble Big Lizards Council nomination.

Thanks. Kick me while I'm down. What are you... French?

All right, my actual nominee (Sachi had nothing to do with it) was Democrats Snub Vets for Freedom: Look What You Made Me Do!, by Sachi at Big Lizards. But this was the one that got away, so it doesn't count. Ya follow? Never mind.

The actual for-real winners were...

Council category

By an amazing coincidence, this was our first choice among the Council nominees. RWNH blasts off from the July 20th 38th anniversary of the first Moon landing; Rick Moran makes a good case that this may be the only important event from the latter part of the 20th century to be remembered (for all practical purposes) forever.

Our other vote in this cat was Max Boot to Kissinger -- “Iraq Isn't Vietnam, Henry”, by ‘Okie’ on the Lam. The title pretty much explains it on a nutshell.

Nouncil category

We fared unwell in this category. First, there was that whole blow-up about the Sachi post. Then to add insult to injun country, our second place came in second place, while our first place was roundly ignored by everybody but ourselves!

Ya follow?

The winner in the Nouncil category was:

Frankly, I question this as a nomination; I don't think it's really a blog if it's run by a mainstream newspaper. Skipping lightly over this question of jurisdiction, I found the piece interesting but not thought-provoking; nothing said by its author, a Marine Corps corporal in Iraq, was particularly original or startling. Oh well.

Instead, we voted for:

  1. The Brahmins of Labor, by Captain's Quarters;
  2. Name That Party: Investigators, by Don Surber.

The first was a hysterically funny piece (well, I laughed) by my old blog-boss, Captain Ed, about a union picket line -- that had actually outsourced its picketers. You must read it to believe it.

The second was a short piece full of pith and vinegar, in which Surber notes an amazing connection between a conservative group and a watchdog group. Again, read it and laugh out loud. (What can I say? I was giddy the day I voted.)

Find 'em

Per usual, you can find the full list of every nomination that got even 1/3 of a vote -- like Big Lizards -- by clicking here.

Hatched by Dafydd on this day, July 31, 2007, at the time of 4:31 AM

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The following hissed in response by: wtanksleyjr

I love this article (found via Drudge); it makes it explicit that "But of late there have been signs that the commander of U.S. forces might be preparing something more generally positive. Clyburn said that would be 'a real big problem for us.'"

Yes, winning in Iraq _would_ cause a real big problem for the Dems. It's interesting, though, that he's not saying the problem would be winning in the next election or holding the party together -- he's actually saying the problem would be that they wouldn't be able to force a defeat. Wow, this is a great admission: if the military wins too soon, the Democrats might not be able to force it to lose!

This is probably too self-parodying for Big Lizards. No analysis is needed. But I thought it was priceless in itself.

The above hissed in response by: wtanksleyjr [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 31, 2007 9:52 AM

The following hissed in response by: Fritz

Come now Dafydd, you don't deserve to be crushed like Jimmah Cattah. That is reserved for idiotic hypocrites and you don't make that list. While there are a great many idiots in the world, and also many hypocrites, Jimmah has a unique way of excelling at both that is practically unmatched. There are a number of votes that I wish I had to do over, but my vote for him far and away leads that list. It didn't even take his whole term to convince me that I had royally screwed up, only part of it. Then, when he was no longer president, he got even worse, something I thought impossible. He is a bitter old man and the world would be much better off if he would keep his mouth shut.

The above hissed in response by: Fritz [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 31, 2007 2:44 PM

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